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Amazon Smile

We’re delighted to announce that Newcastle West End Food Bank is now part of Amazon Smile’s charity list.

This means that your everyday purchases could help Newcastle West End Food Bank protect people from hunger and poverty.

What is AmazonSmile and how does it work?

AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon offering the same products, features and prices. Your shopping experience stays the same; the only difference is that every time you shop on AmazonSmile, Amazon donates to your chosen charity. Help raise vital funds for Newcastle West End Food Bank, just by shopping online.

How much does AmazonSmile donate?

Amazon automatically donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to your chosen charity, when you shop on The great news is, shopping with AmazonSmile doesn’t cost you, or your chosen charity, any extra.

How do I get AmazonSmile?

If you already have an Amazon account, you can begin shopping instantly. All you need to do to get started is to visit

  • Log in to your Amazon account and search for Newcastle West End Food Bank in the ‘Pick your own charity’ search bar.
  • Select Newcastle West End Food Bank.
  • You’ll receive an email from Amazon and you’re ready to shop, shop, shop!
  • Fill your basket as you normally would, knowing each purchase you make is also making a huge difference in the UK to an individual/family living in poverty.

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